On Common Sense with Jeanine Lawson
Of all the Republican candidates running for Virginia’s 10th congressional district, Jeanine Lawson is the one who has not only successfully run for office before but also secured re-election. Some may say this makes her a less than desired candidate given the trend to move away from ‘career politicians.’ However, others may say that being a successful Republican politician in Northern Virginia makes her the perfect candidate against Jennifer Wexton.
Jeanine has sat on the Board of Supervisors for Prince William County for eight years. When I asked what motivated her to run for the congressional seat, her reasoning rang familiar to the other candidates. Like Jeanine, many of us believe that the Democrats have been attempting to reshape America into something we no longer recognize. Jeanine launched back in July, which is interesting if one has been paying attention to current events. July was before the botched withdrawal of Afghanistan, before gas prices shot through the roof, and before Putin’s war on Ukraine and the President’s stalled support of the Ukrainian people. While the President’s approval rating had started to dip around that time, hovering at around 50%, it was nowhere near the current dismal level. So what exactly should a voter take from that? Jeanine was in it to win it when it wasn’t nearly as attractive for Republicans to challenge incumbent Democrats.
Her desire to unseat Jennifer Wexton shouldn’t indicate Jeanine’s unwillingness to work with Democrats. Jeanine is known for her hawkish stance on development issues in her community which has required her to work with conservatives and liberals alike. However, as an elected official in local government, she believes that her job is to advocate for what the majority of her community prefers versus blind, unwavering allegiance to a party agenda. A mindset she intends to carry with her in the 10th congressional.
You can’t talk about Northern Virginia politics without talking about education. Thanks to parents within this area, education is no longer a Democrat-only issue. Republican and Independent parent voters will expect any candidate running for office to have a clear position on what education should look like in America. As a homeschool parent, I pay particular attention to legislation that positively or negatively impacts our ability to ensure our children receive the education they deserve.
Given my strong feelings regarding the failings of public education, I had to ask how she would advocate for parents like me. Parents who want to make sure that their children are getting a valued education without jumping through ridiculous hoops to do so. She said something that resonated with me, and I have felt for just about every area of life; “Competition breeds excellence.” Jeanine supports legislation that would provide tax credits for families that would like to send kids to private school and similar tax incentives for homeschoolers.
My husband and I are lucky. We have an income and lifestyle that allows us to homeschool. However, we worked hard for that income and lifestyle, and it is far from easy to homeschool. Besides the typical onslaught of judgment from family and friends with incessant questions and comments such as, “Aren’t you worried your kid will end up a weirdo?” “How will your kid learn social skills?” “You aren’t a trained teacher; how can you expect to educate your kids?”, you have to manage the curriculum, lessons, and tests. All while balancing the role of educator and parent, and don’t forget to file all required paperwork with the local school administrators.
But not all parents are as lucky as we are. Many have no choice but to have their kids go to public school. No matter how badly they want their kids to go to a private school, charter school, or homeschool, their finances and lifestyle won’t allow it. Having a clear position on school choice and parental rights will be imperative to any candidate hoping to secure conservative and independent parent voters.
Jeanine says as a member of Congress; she would oppose any legislation that would empower divisive and dangerous education concepts. Children need to learn math, science, English, history, and technology. Like all the other Republican candidates for the 10th, Jeanine believes that too.
Perhaps I am alone in feeling as though my country is being torn apart by groups who care little for those they claim to care deeply for. I am a woman of faith, and I believe we as individuals are flawed and meant to learn from our failings and grow through those sweet struggles. But, much as individuals are flawed, I think nations can be too. We are an imperfect nation with a history marked with pain and struggle. But we are also a country forged through those struggles into a beacon of hope for millions. This country has sparked imagination and fostered innovation. We can not give up on ourselves, each other, or our country.
I am inspired by the caliber of Republican candidates stepping up in Virginia’s 10th congressional district. Jeanine Lawson wants to restore common sense leadership to Washington. That’s a steep hill to climb, but I think we should all dream big. We have some fantastic candidates to choose from, and we should all take the time to get to know them. If they can take the time to chat with me, they have the time to chat with you. Come out to the meet and greet events. Reach out to the candidates. Be an active participant in your government. The struggle will continue, but the more we participate, the sweeter that struggle will be.